Added a sync output to the RandSigs module
The sync output syncs to the leftmost outputs, not that the actual output used makes much difference … basicaly it syncs to the rate, ignoring the sample and hold input.
Published as pre-release. 2021.7.9.0
Upped the current pre-release
The current pre-release was upped to officially include the changes in the three posts before … the RandSigs quadratic mode, the bug fix in the PDosc module and the inclusion of the Log2 module.
The Log2 module is the inverse (with some restrictions for low input values) of the Power2 module.
Published as pre-release. 2021.7.5.0
Quadratic mode for RandSigs module
Added a quadratic mode for the RandSigsModule, when on the ouptput values are squared. By default it is off to replicate the old time behaviour.
This is to make the higher values less likely, more quietness into patches …
This is in the current pre-release, you may have to reload it.
Made the AMuse module polyphonic
Otherwise it still works the same way.
Published as pre-release. 2021.7.1.1
Some small changes
There still was an issue with the ScaleQuantizer. When first loaded from the module selector it would by default need an enforce operation, fixed that.
Changed the connector popups to additionally show the signal type .
Published as pre-release. 2021.6.24.1
Added an Enable input to the Divider
Added an enable input to the divider module, when unconnected it is active.
Changed the leaky gate sequencer a bit and fixed a bug on it
Made some inputs on the LeakyGateSeq sequencer to be of the high-logic (switching at .5) type.
Also the Dir, Set and Res outputs were not working properly - fixed that.
About arbitrary numbers, and a new module for that
Some notes about using arbitrary numbers in a patch, and a new module for arbitrary numbers.
Added ‘changed’ output on Quanizer module
Added a ‘changed’ output and an indicator for it to the Quantizer module.
Made forms to stay on top better
Made the Randomizer and History forms to stay on top of the main window. And then made all sub screens to stay on top, as otherwise pop-unders instead of pop-ups will occur at times.
And also made all sub screens to close with the Esc key.
A little help for the randomizer
Made a helper dialog for setting allowance of randomization on modules.
dB output for Value module
Added a dB output to the Value module, so dB plots can be made on the Scope module which in turn is handy for making rough filter plots.
New modes for Moog filter
I’ve added some selectable filter models to the MoogFilter module.
F4 debug screen is gone
I’ve removed the debug graphs utility. This was the (optional) F4 screen … will have to use the Scope module for this from now on. A bit of a small screen and a bit of thinking needed for callibration, but working a lot faster and way less fuzzy.
New search functionality
I’ve added an option for description search.
Step modulation for GateSeq
Added step modulation to the GateSeq module, it modulates the set steps value. When nothing is connected to this input the cycle will be the full steps value.
A couple of (XY) Scope changes and bug fixes.
I forgot to set a pen color for the trace drawn by the scope modules, and some more stuff.
Alt key modifier for knobs
Added an Alt key modifier for knobs and sliders, when Alt is down the cursor up and down keys will take 96 steps instead one one. This speeds up keyboard handling for knobs with many steps a bit.
Connector hints changed
Removed the module name prefix from the connector hints, and added a small offset to the display position such that the mouse no longer overlaps the hint.
Fonts for hints user configurable now
I’ve made the font for hint windows user configurable. There are two types of hint windows, “normal” ones with an image in it (from the module selector) and simple ones without an image (everywhere else). Both have their own font selection, to be set from the .
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Cursor movement DataGraph
Disabled cursor movement for the DataGraph module when it runs at audio rate.
Change in RandSigs module
Added a randomize input to the RandSigs module, when it activates (goes from under 0.5 to over 0.5) in a voice it will set new random values for that voice immediately.
Changed the file open dialog for wave files
Changed the file open dialog for sound files such that it will, by default, show all the possible audio file extensions in the file list. It is still possible to, say, show wav or aiff files only.