Added async reset to a couple of modules
To make it doable to sync to external gear I’ve added an a-res (asynchronous reset) input for the following modules :
* Seq16
* Seq16Rep
* GateSeq
* GateSeqMulti
* ModGateSeq
* LeakyGateSeq
The synchronous reset (res input) is still present as well to keep the old time behaviour.
Published as pre-release. 2021.11.25.0
And a third one …
Published as pre-release. 2021.11.13.0
Made yet another quantizer, it quantizes it’s input value to various levels each with it’s own output.
Another quantizer
Published as pre-release. 2021.11.12.0
Made another quantizer, it quantizes it’s input value to a value set between the lo and hi values.
A simpler fixed bank
Published as pre-release. 2021.11.1.0
Made a simpler fixed filter bank module with 19 bands, starting at 70Hz each next band has a 25.3% higher central frequency for it’s bandpass filter till the last sits at about 4kHz..