
More resolution on the hints

Added two extra digits on some of the hint values for knobs. This involves Time. Frequency, Multiplier and BPM values.

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.31.0

No idea how useful this is, but the idea was that it might be easier to get an idea about how much LFO values and Delay values would be off relatively to each other.

The display values are unchanged.


Found pixels …

Later … found a couple of pixels …

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.18.1

Changed output for Arpeggiator


Added a Changed output for the arpeggiator module, it is unmarked and just above the regular output - I may find pixels later on o_o.

For now, the connector popup will show the purpose.

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.18.0


Added a sync output to the RandSigs module


The sync output syncs to the leftmost outputs, not that the actual output used makes much difference … basicaly it syncs to the rate, ignoring the sample and hold input.

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.9.0


Pre-relese upped

Upped to pre-release 2021.7.6.0, mainly to get the modulatable Quadratic mode for the RandSigs module officially in (also into the image below).


made quadratic mode modulatable

For the RandSigs module the quadratc mode was made modulatable. Also added a LED for this.

This is in the current pre-release, you may have to reload it.

Upped the current pre-release


The current pre-release was upped to officially include the changes in the three posts before … the RandSigs quadratic mode, the bug fix in the PDosc module and the inclusion of the Log2 module.

The Log2 module is the inverse (with some restrictions for low input values) of the Power2 module.

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.5.0

Quadratic mode for RandSigs module


Added a quadratic mode for the RandSigsModule, when on the ouptput values are squared. By default it is off to replicate the old time behaviour.

This is to make the higher values less likely, more quietness into patches …

This is in the current pre-release, you may have to reload it.


Bug in PDOsc module


In the PDOsc module the cents input was added to the cents modulation, instead of multiplied by; fixed this for the current pre-release.

A new power2 module


Made a new power2 module, it calculates 0.5 * Power( 2.0, input). This is meant to make higher values less likely, more quietness …

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.4.0

Also made the inverse, a Log2 module, which will be in the current pre-release.


New envelope module type


Made a new EnvARMod envelope module, it has better time and shape control than the existing EnvAR module. It also has outputs for the A, H and R phases (as well as as for End Of Cycle (EOC). It also has not the bug mentioned in the previous item.

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.3.0

[Read more…]

Bug in levels for some envelope types

The EnvAHD and the EnvADSR envelope types had states 1 and 3 exchanged, Fixed that, but this may break patch compatibility, especially when you used the blue output(s) as a general control signal.

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.3.0


Made the AMuse module polyphonic


Otherwise it still works the same way.

Published as pre-release. 2021.7.1.1