It is a bit messy .. I know ... but this is what I have!
There is no support for this, you are on you own :')
These are all the old wrens from before there was an installer
The knobs files hold the Delphi components - these are usually included in the main source files too.
the modules files hold Wren run-time files, they must be unzipped to a non-windows-owned folder; do NOT use Program Files - instead use C:\wren .. or something.
Modules32___ is 32 bit code and Modules64___ is 64 bit code. When there is no 32 or 64, it is 32 bit code. This is what you'll usually want for running Wren.
The files hold Wren source code; You will need Delphi to compile the code - there are (basic) instructions for that in the wiki.
There also is the old web page from the pre-blog and wiki days.