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keyboard [2022/03/31 21:51]
jan View for mouse / keys changed
keyboard [2022/06/23 01:54] (current)
jan Added Ctrl+Q - patch player
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   * ''F8'' - Toggle alowance for live morph modulation - will have to doucument that later.   * ''F8'' - Toggle alowance for live morph modulation - will have to doucument that later.
   * ''F9'' - Run stop toggle, it will start or stop audio processing.   * ''F9'' - Run stop toggle, it will start or stop audio processing.
-  * ''F12'' - Recompile the patch. Normally a patch will be recompiled when a module or a wire is being added or removed, but not so in manual compilation mode. This will reset some more things than a reset with F7 does. 
 +  * ''0'' - When the mouse pointer is over a knob pressing 0 will set the knob to it's default value.
   * ''1'' to ''8'' - Select one of the variations 1 to 8 as the current variation. Patches have 8 variations, and each variation can have different settings for knobs and selectors.   * ''1'' to ''8'' - Select one of the variations 1 to 8 as the current variation. Patches have 8 variations, and each variation can have different settings for knobs and selectors.
   * ''R'' - Random params. For the selected modules randomize all knobs for which randomization is allowed. When no modules are selected do the same for all modules.   * ''R'' - Random params. For the selected modules randomize all knobs for which randomization is allowed. When no modules are selected do the same for all modules.
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   * ''Ctrl+O'' - Open patch.   * ''Ctrl+O'' - Open patch.
   * ''Ctrl+P'' - Panic! this will will turn off any hanging MIDI motes due to a missed MIDI note off message.   * ''Ctrl+P'' - Panic! this will will turn off any hanging MIDI motes due to a missed MIDI note off message.
 +  * ''Ctrl+Q'' - View patch player.
   * ''Ctrl+S'' - Save patch.   * ''Ctrl+S'' - Save patch.
   * ''Ctrl+T'' - Toggle top pane visibility.   * ''Ctrl+T'' - Toggle top pane visibility.
keyboard.1648759879.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/03/31 21:51 by jan