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Software - Nordler


Nordler is the program that I used as the conductor for Work-34 (a seven hour noodle with a slide show as performed at the London Modular Event 2002).

The program can read instruction files that will allow you control MIDI devices. Nordler also has a builtin slide show device which is able to show a timed sequence of pictures. The pictures can be faded using a large set of fade styles.

In the Nord Modular section of this web site the patches and the score for Work-34 can be found. Work-34 also serves as an example of how to build a slide show with the Nordler program.

The software is contained within a single zip file, unzip it to any place you see fit to run the program from.

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The software should be able to run under Windows 95, 98, NT 4, ME, 2000 and XP.

more blue hell ...