xmascake.jpg | Date | 2024-12-15 | Remarks | christmas cake | Photographer | blue hell |
Linked web page : structure |
Linked web page : zwammen |
Linked web page : patches |
Linked web page : erveling |
Linked web page : duxus |
Linked web page : dingetjes |
Linked web page : beestjes |
not every thing you can do.png | Date | 2024-12-10 | Remarks | sleeve for nye 2024 - 2025 live concert on electro-music.com | Photographer | blue hell |
stench x.png | Date | 2024-10-07 | Keywords | stench x | Remarks | sleeve for stench x album by blue hell | Photographer | blue hell |
atoms.png | Date | 2024-08-30 | Keywords | atoms | Remarks | sleeve for atoms - a blue hell recording | Photographer | blue hell |
custard_pie.jpg | Date | 2024-09-27 | Keywords | custard pie | Remarks | french custard pie | Photographer | jan punter |
rijstevlaai.jpg | Date | 2024-09-20 | Keywords | rijstevlaai slagroom chocoladeschaafsel | Remarks | rijstevlaai met slagroom en chocolade schaafsel | Photographer | blue hell |
blue hell ii.png | Date | 2024-09-21 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com 2024 september equinox concert | Photographer | blue hell |
global double you.png | Date | 2024-06-14 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com 2024 June Solstice concert | Photographer | blue hell |
small red cars 683 x 683.png | Date | 2024-03-18 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com 2024 March Equinox | Photographer | Blue hell |
local_stripes.png.png | Date | 2023-12-28 | Remarks | Climate stripes 2013 | Photographer | KNMI |
history is what did not happen.png | Date | 2023-12-27 | Remarks | Poster electro-music.com 2023-2024 New Years Eve Concert | Photographer | Blue Hell |
it ex.png | Date | 2013-09-25 | Remarks | Poster electro-music.com 2023 September equinox | Photographer | Blue Hell |
what-ching.png | Date | 2013-06-11 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com 2023 June solstice | Photographer | Blue Hell |
energency.png | Date | 2023-03-12 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com 2023 March equinox | Photographer | Blue Hell |
no-people-02.png | Date | 2022-12-31 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com New Year's Eve 2022 | Photographer | Blue Hell |
no-people-01.png | Remarks | Image taken from a google earth viewer, it is a bit of Sahara |
flights of angels.png | Date | 2022-09-21 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com 2022 September equinox | Photographer | Blue Hell |
patch_player_02_small.png |
blobs_04.png | Date | 2022-07-04 | Keywords | Blobs | Photographer | Blue Hell |
blobs_03.png | Date | 2022-07-04 | Keywords | Blobs | Photographer | Blue Hell |
blobs_02.png | Date | 2022-07-04 | Keywords | Blobs | Photographer | Blue Hell |
blobs_01.png | Date | 2022-07-04 | Keywords | blobs | Photographer | Blue Hell |
i_read_it_all_wrong.png | Date | 2022-06-20 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com 2022 June Solstice | Photographer | Blue Hell |
people.png | Date | 2022-03-19 | Remarks | poster electro-music.com 2022 March Equinox | Photographer | Blue Hell |
em me2022 poster.png | Keywords | electro-music poster |
em me2022 live banner.png |
divs_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Screenshot 2021-12-19 at 03-21-31 Ja, schermtijd is schadelijk voor kinderen, en zo help je ze te minderen.png |
Wren patch : riddumstuff-01.wren |
oramics1-001.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2021-10-15---18-49-31---594.gif | Keywords | Wren, patch |
debug-controls.png | Keywords | Wren |
config-screen.png | Keywords | Wren, config |
mutation-controls.png | Keywords | Wren |
morph-controls.png | Keywords | Wren |
tuning-controls.png | Keywords | Wren |
run-controls.png | Keywords | Wren |
editor-view.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
module-selector.png | Keywords | Wren |
wave-folder-01.png | Keywords | Wren, module |
Screenshot 2021-05-09 at 01.48.16.png |
spectrum-02.png | Keywords | Wren, spectrum module |
spectrum-01.png | Keywords | Wren, spectrum |
maybe_noise_gate_01.PNG | Keywords | Wren, patch |
scope-empty.png | Keywords | Wren, module |
2021-04-24---18-59-51---122.gif | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Screenshot 2021-04-07 at 22.31.31.png |
Wren patch : test2.wren |
tropical_001.png | Keywords | Wren |
Screenshot 2021-03-30 at 22.30.15.png |
2021-03-20-equinox-poster.png |
2021-03-20-equinox-banner.png |
Wren patch : 2021-02-28-01-04 had we had.wren |
seq_example_001.PNG | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Wren patch : flaphacho-example.wren |
flaphacho-example.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Compressed file : cube-002.zip |
chord-seq-example.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Wren patch : chord-seq-example.wren |
Compressed file : cube-001.zip |
Compressed file : cube-000.zip |
rota_cuby_04.gif | Keywords | Cube |
rota_cuby_03.gif | Keywords | Cube |
rota_cuby_02.gif | Keywords | Cube |
rota_cuby_01.gif | Keywords | Cube |
Text file : neighbors.txt |
Text file : cube.txt |
Klimaatstreepjescode_2020_video.gif |
PDF : PC400J00000F_SPEC_CE-1879700.pdf |
PDF : NJRCD007-3-14.pdf |
Screenshot 2021-01-02 at 13.14.13.png |
2020-12-31--Blue Hell--2020 NYE - happiness is moments - the patch.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Wren patch : 2020-12-31--Blue Hell--2020 NYE - happiness is moments.wren |
2020-12-31--Blue Hell--2020 NYE - happiness is moments.png |
Text file : tmp.txt |
where_did_the_cat_go_002.png |
hatched_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
so_for_instance.png | Keywords | Wren |
poly_test_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
small_detail.png | Keywords | Wren |
test_midi_multi_g2.png | Keywords | Nord Modular |
test_midi_wren_multi.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
test_midi_g2.png | Keywords | Nord Modular |
test_midi_wren.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
wren_splash.png | Keywords | Wren |
Wren patch : templates_01.wren |
wren_templates_02.png | Keywords | Wren, example |
wren_templates_01.png | Keywords | Wren, example |
audio_graph_01.gif | Keywords | Wren, patch |
folders.png | Keywords | Wren, default folders |
2020-06-23-07--Blue Hell--to live inside is to lose distinction.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2020-07-04--Blue Hell--to live inside is to lose distinction.png |
Waveplayer.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
recorder_001.png | Keywords | Wren |
Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 14.58.27.png |
midi_three_in_example.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
midi_in_example.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
IMG_20200625_172658419.jpg |
wave_view_2.png | Keywords | Wren, module |
wave_view.png | Keywords | Wren, module |
wave_reader.png | Keywords | Wren |
2020-05-17-11 what day is it today.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2020-04-26-04 what day is it today.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2020-05-11-03 what day is it today.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2020-05-12-06 what day is it today.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2020-05-16-02 what day is it today.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
extremes on easter day.png |
Wren patch : 2020-01-01-05-apophenia, happy new year.wren |
Compressed file : winter solstice 2019 wren patches.zip |
Screenshot 2019-11-24 at 23.51.26.png |
Screenshot 2019-11-23 at 16.40.10.png |
Screenshot 2019-11-22 at 14.34.53.png |
Text file : nomad-logfile-2.txt |
Text file : logfile.txt |
Text file : adder.txt |
file_chopper_2.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Wren patch : wave_chopper.wren |
file_chopper.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Text file : hadamard.txt |
2019-10-06--blue hell--spiders.png |
2019-10-05--Blue Hell--the president.png |
2019-10-05--Blue Hell--on oceans.png |
2019-09-22-01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
sieve_examples.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Compressed file : wren_test_01.zip |
tuning-control.png | Keywords | Wren |
2018-12-28--blue hell--2018-blues.jpg |
2018-05-15-02-attractors.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
General file : t.wrengine |
Wren patch : 2018-05-15-01-van der pol stuff.wren |
TModSeq32.jpg | Keywords | Wren, module |
notch-saw-001.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
something_blue_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch |
PDF : canal-digitaal-zenderlijst-tv-en-radio.pdf |
Wren patch : 2018-02-24-01-music-for-landscape.wren |
music_for_landscape_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
for_stefan_patch.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
conceptual_modern_art.jpg |
xmas_patch.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
linears_00.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
the rose II.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
the rose 01 - koch-anti.jpg |
the rose 04 - penrose.jpg |
Code listing (text) : mazes.4th |
the rose.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
swansong_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
turtle_swan_hunters_03.gif | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_swan_hunters_02.gif | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_swan_hunters_01.gif | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_08.png | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_07.png | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_06.png | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_05.png | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_04.png | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_03.png | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_02.png | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_01.png | Keywords | Wren |
turtle_00.png | Keywords | Wren |
amuse_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
the patch.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
auto_02.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-07-29---16-15-16---638.gif | Keywords | Wren, patch, gif |
auto_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
abstractions_02.png | Keywords | Wren, patch, abstraction |
deepstate.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
deepstate.png | Keywords | Wren |
altvx.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
altvw.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
abstractions_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch, abstraction |
Wren patch : mux_thing.wren |
qsteps.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
shaper_patch.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
shaper_shapes.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
env_shape_impressions.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
Wren patch : 2017-04-16-01.wren |
maniac_01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
sill_sequence.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
patseq_04.gif | Keywords | Wren, module |
2017-03-13---20-38-17---423.gif | Keywords | Wren, patch, gif |
patseq_03.gif | Keywords | Wren, module |
patseq_02.gif | Keywords | Wren, module |
patseq_01.gif | Keywords | Wren, module |
SeqPattern_02.png | Keywords | Wren, module |
SeqPattern_01.png | Keywords | Wren, module |
PassageOfTimeOrderlyBits.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
moog_style_demo.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
PassageOfTime.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
ThePrayersThatDidNot.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
chebexp_01.png | Keywords | Wren |
2017-02-10-01 - Phase XI - Rule 19.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-02-07-01 - Phase X - We Are DeVos, Not Men.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-02-02-01 - Phase IX - Global Warning.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-01-31-01 - Phase VIII - Damage.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-01-28-01 - Phase VII - Fire With Fire.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-01-27-01 - Phase VI - Torture Works.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-01-26-01 - Phase V - Doublethink.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-01-24-01 - Phase IV - Conway's Game Of Lies.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-01-23-01 - Phase III - Prayer.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-01-22-01 - Phase II - Alternative Facts.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2017-01-21-01 - Phase I - The Loss.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
rule19.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
mod_control.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
IMG_0418.JPG | Keywords | 200000 |
MTDPD-02.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Text file : topic.txt |
NM G2 patch : dynamic_02.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : dynamic_01.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : espresso.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : espresso v2.pch2 |
life_03.gif | Keywords | Wren, life |
life_02.gif | Keywords | Wren, life |
life_01.gif | Keywords | Wren, life |
life_00.gif | Keywords | Wren, life |
030_068_101.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
midiclock_002.png | Keywords | Nord Modular |
glyphs.png | Keywords | Wren, glyphs |
2016-07-27---22-41-50---115.gif |
2016-07-27---22-03-43---151.gif | Keywords | Space plot, gif |
2016-07-27--5th-Friday--Screen.png | Keywords | Wren, patch, desktop |
2016-07-26---21-39-17---836.gif | Keywords | Wren, patch, gif |
randomizable_005.png | Keywords | Wren |
randomizable_004.png | Keywords | Wren |
randomizable_003.png | Keywords | Wren |
randomizable_002.png | Keywords | Wren |
randomizable_001.png | Keywords | Wren |
2016-07-17---21-31-01---120.gif | Keywords | Space plot, gif |
2016-07-17---21-28-00---428.gif | Keywords | Space plot, gif |
2016-07-17---20-38-40---198.gif | Keywords | Space plot, gif |
2016-07-17---20-26-34---050.gif | Keywords | Space plot, gif |
2016-07-17---18-09-40---082.gif | Keywords | Space plot, gif |
2016-07-17---16-00-24---923.gif | Keywords | Frequency plot, RME, totalizer, gif |
2016-07-17---14-33-23---578.gif | Keywords | Frequency plot, RME, totalizer, gif |
lotsasplines.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Web page : swing.html |
swing_patch.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
swing.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
Wren patch : example_01.wren |
saw_mod.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
order_5_saw___on___square_saw_tri_sine.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
2016-03-19-01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2016-01-28-01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2016-01-27-01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2016-01-16-01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
looped_vcos.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2016-01-06-01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
TModMidiMultiNoteIn.jpg | Keywords | Wren, module |
2015-12-31-01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2015-12-30-01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch |
widener.png | Keywords | Wren, module |
MixingScaler.png | Keywords | Wren |
settings.png | Keywords | Wren, settings |
Text file : numbers.txt |
2015-10-30-01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
2015-10-22-01.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
two_themes.jpg | Keywords | Wren, theme |
darkskin.png | Keywords | Wren, patch |
designer.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch |
Web page : themes.html |
theme_5.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
theme_4.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
theme_3.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
theme_2.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
theme_1.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
toy_with_theming_02.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
Compressed file : __Bitmaps.zip |
toy_with_theming_01.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
MultiCompare.jpg | Keywords | Wren, module |
Web page : moons.html |
Executable file : FriemelFS.exe |
Compressed file : FriemelFS.zip |
order_5_chebyshev___on___square_saw_tri_sine.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
order_5_tri___on___square_saw_tri_sine.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
2015-06-30-01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch |
order_5_220_55_hz.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
order_5_ref_track_square_saw_tri_sine.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
order_13_ref_track_square_saw_tri_sine.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
order_3_ref_track_square_saw_tri_sine.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
order_2_ref_track_square_saw_tri_sine.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
bismuth.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
wren.2015.5.10.0..jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
TModPad.jpg | Keywords | Wren, module |
filterbank.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
larger.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
padlooks.jpg | Keywords | Wren, module |
BlepSquare3.32kHz.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
output_mode.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
talkie.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
linexp.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
linedup.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
seq16_1.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
logmode.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
expmode.jpg | Keywords | Wren, wave shapes |
seqseqres.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
seqseq.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
glitches_02.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
glitches_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
Text file : wires.txt |
seq_41.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
seq16.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
chained_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
mix_audio_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
sliders.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
templates_load.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
it_computes_02.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
it_computes_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
butter_comes_out_of_my_nose.jp.JPG | Keywords | Wren, early |
netmidi_settings.jpg | Keywords | NetMidi |
midiplayer_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
asio_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_54.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
portaudio.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
better.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
PhoColors.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
ModuleColors.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
Text file : looptimes.txt |
selector.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
HardClip.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
ScalaTestSetup_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
xy_007.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
xy_006.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
xy_005.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
xy_004.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
xy_003.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
xy_002.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
43 it knobs.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch, early |
RandomWalks.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
xy_001.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
xyscope.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
look_it_invented_uk.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
morse.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
score_41.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
score_36.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
nos.nl.nieuws.2014. |
kleebit.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
compressor.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch |
euclidian_module.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
euclidian.jpg | Keywords | Nord Modular |
inthemood.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
eight_ch.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
designer.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
envelope_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren |
envelopes.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
Compressed file : grbaoffi.zip |
Achtung.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch, early |
12x12.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch, early, mixer |
18x12.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch, early, mixer |
6x6_3.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch, early |
6x6_2.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch, early |
6x6.jpg | Keywords | Wren, patch, early |
beep_32.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
wren_about.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
offset_error.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_31.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_30.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_29.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
bruno_cap_01.png | Keywords | Wren, early |
Web page : profile.html |
beep_28.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_27.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_26.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_25.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_24.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_23.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_22.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_21.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_20.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_19.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_18.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_17.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_16.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early, Nord modular |
beep_15.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_14.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_13.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_12.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_11.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_10.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_09.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_08.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_07.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_06.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
Text file : patch_001.txt |
NM G2 patch : exeter_pply_01.pch2 |
beep_05.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_04.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_03.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_02.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
beep_01.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
General file : 2013-10-01-02-01.m |
Text file : locations.txt |
NM G2 patch : Lfohead Sound 18 bh 03.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : Lfohead Snare Crap_changed.pch2 |
2013_june_solstice_717_538.jpg | Keywords | electro-music, poster, radio, event |
2013_june_solstice_1024_768.jpg | Keywords | electro-music, poster, radio, event |
Text file : _links.txt |
electro-music.com-logo.gif |
Text file : program.txt |
Text file : first_100_rob_numbers.txt |
primes_merged_stronger.jpg |
Text file : primes.txt |
Text file : pi_20_000.txt |
g1resources_01.jpg | Keywords | Nord Modular |
Code listing (text) : thomas.asm |
2013-010-05-enschede_stroom_storing.jpg | Keywords | Enschede, stroomstoring, power outage |
Text file : shape_of_water_2.txt |
Compressed file : NetMidi.zip |
Code listing (text) : 24xxxx.4th |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-10.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-09.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-08.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-07.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-06.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-05.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-04.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-03.pch2 |
NM G2 patch : 2012-11-04-01-02.pch2 |
Compressed file : work.zip |
PDF : forth.list.pdf |
PDF : forth.pdf |
Code listing (text) : startup.s |
Code listing (text) : macros.4th |
PDF : queues.pdf |
Text file : flood_ips_01.txt |
Text file : djlog.txt |
Text file : pussy_riot.txt |
Compressed file : playlist_generator.zip |
Text file : example.m3u.txt |
Text file : forum_numbers_inverted.txt |
Text file : forum_numbers.txt |
Text file : bluetooth_info.txt |
Text file : 2012-06-23--summer-solstice-2012--blue-hell--i-forgot-the-words.txt |
Web page : currentkyma.php |
120-DAT.JPG | Keywords | DAT tapes |
Web page : currentpatch.php |
patch_000.jpg | Keywords | Nord Modular |
browser.jpg | Keywords | Noodle radio |
Compressed file : MidiMod.zip |
net_midi.jpg | Keywords | NetMidi |
tin-ears-003.jpg | Keywords | Nord Modular, patch |
tin-ears-001.jpg | Keywords | Nord Modular |
Compressed file : _midimod_last_blue_hell_version.zip |
Text file : gnu_license_v2.txt |
Code listing (text) : debounce_snippets.4th |
oops.jpg | Keywords | Self elf lf f |
111111_01.jpg | Keywords | number, 111111 |
Text file : ss_setup_new.txt |
Text file : ss_setup.txt |
NM G2 patch : 2011-11-14-01-04.pch2 |
meest_recente_radarloop451.gif |
NM G2 patch : 2011-08-20-09.pch2 |
vactrolish.jpg | Keywords | Nord Modular |
clockdoubling,jpg.JPG | Keywords | Nord Modular |
Executable file : butt-0.1.12-win32.exe |
Executable file : edcast_standalone_3.2.1.exe |
knob_test.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
Text file : manual.txt |
nm_ft.jpg | Keywords | Nord Modular |
Text file : pl.txt |
zoomed.jpg | Keywords | LastImage |
desktop_3.bmp | Keywords | Nord Modular, desktop |
keimpe_01.jpg | Keywords | Keimpe |
colors.jpg | Keywords | Nord Modular, colors |
mods.jpg | Keywords | Wren, early |
noodle_radio.jpg | Keywords | Noodle Radio |
Executable file : grbaoffi.exe |
Executable file : grbaoffi.scr |
Text file : info.txt |
noodle_radio_stuff.jpg | Keywords | Noodle Radio |
noodle_radio_back.jpg | Keywords | Noodle Radio |
first_noodle_radio.jpg | Keywords | Noodle radio |
Code listing (text) : gsm.4th |
Code listing (text) : CustomIf.pas |
Text file : license.txt |
HappyBirthday.gif | Keywords | FirstImage |